Prediction for HB Chelghoum Laid vs RC Arbaa
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Before the 29th round of the Algerian National Championship 2022/23, HB Chelghoum Laid had accumulated fewer points than RC Arbaa, with HB Chelghoum Laid having only 4 points while RC Arbaa had 33 points. Both teams had played 28 matches.
With their respective records, HB Chelghoum Laid and RC Arbaa have become the two worst-performing teams in the Algerian National Championship 2022/23. HB Chelghoum Laid has already been relegated, while RC Arbaa still has a chance to avoid relegation. In fact, RC Arbaa is only 2 points behind the 14th-placed team, Paradou AC.
In the first leg match of this season between HB Chelghoum Laid and RC Arbaa, RC Arbaa emerged victorious with a 3-1 scoreline in December 2022. The victory was achieved on RC Arbaa's home ground.
Asian Handicap Prediction:
HB Chelghoum Laid has lost the handicap in 4 out of their last 5 home matches in the Algerian National Championship. HB Chelghoum Laid has also lost the handicap in their last 2 encounters with RC Arbaa in the Algerian National Championship. Therefore, HB Chelghoum Laid is not a favorable option that instills confidence in the investors.
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Over/Under Prediction:
In 3 out of the last 4 matches between HB Chelghoum Laid and RC Arbaa, there have been no more than 2 goals scored. HB Chelghoum Laid has failed to score in 3 out of their last 4 home matches in the Algerian National Championship. In 4 out of their last 6 away matches in the Algerian National Championship, there have been no more than 2 goals scored.
Due to these reasons, it is unlikely that there will be a high-scoring match when HB Chelghoum Laid faces RC Arbaa on Monday (10th July).
Score prediction: HB Chelghoum Laid 0-2 RC Arbaa
Asian Handicap: Choose RC Arbaa
Over/Under: Choose Under.
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