At present Wholesale Buffalo Bills Jerseys , what is the level of constraint on intra-bank lending?
AZZAM: The impact of the international crisis on us is clearly going to be noticeable. We are all connected; what happens in Europe and the USA affects the Middle East and the rest of the world. Because of the inter-linkages and the connection between banks, if banks in the major European countries become risk averse, or tight on liquidity, they would not be able to place funds abroad, and would not have the appetite to finance existing maturing debt for countries in the region. So I would expect that countries that need to refinance would find it more difficult because of the international banks lack of willingness and ability to do so. There might be situation where intra-bank lines will be affected if banks in Europe are also experiencing tight liquidity conditions then the surplus funds they would normally deposit through the intra-bank market to other banks will be less. This is a global market, but different counties and different banks will feel it differently. Those who depend more on retail deposits will feel it less. Those who are wholesale banks, whose major deposit base is the intra-bank market, they will feel the heat. For example, GIB and ABC in Bahrain, these are wholesale banks without retail branches in the region – they depend a lot on the intra-bank market and they will feel it more than a bank like NBAD or ADCB or National Bank of Kuwait or NCB, those are banks that are dependent more on branches and retail deposits. So it varies from one bank to another and it varies by countries as well.
How will this region specifically be affected by the international crisis in comparison to the rest of the world?
AZZAM: We have a different set of problems in the region than the problems banks in Europe, the USA or the Far East are facing. In Europe, we are seeing huge exposure to markets in Southern Europe and Greece. There are non-performing loans for which they need to take provisions, they need to recapitalize, and there are problems with the Euro. We do not have these problems; we have minimal exposure to Greece and minimal exposure to Southern Europe. We are affected indirectly because the feeling of risk averseness has become wide spread. People are looking at what’s happening in Europe, they see the contraction, they see the high risk there; they will be affected. I cannot think of many businesses that are expanding today or going to the bank to seek additional credit to expand because people are becoming more worried and more risk averse. People do not want to expand right now and they are delaying decisions, not because of inherent conditions, but more because of the contagion with the international situation.
The connection between our region and the international market is always through the oil market. If, for example, the crisis in Europe blows up and we go into another dip or another recession, then clearly this will impact world demand for oil, more so if it affects the emerging countries. So we are affected through the oil price. We are affected through the exchange rates because our currencies are pegged to the dollar, and whatever happens to the dollar vis-?-vis the Euro and other currencies will affect us. We are also affected through the capital inflows, and through flow of people, whether tourists or businessmen. We are a part of the global economy. We have a different set of inherent problems that we need to adjust to that the central banks in the region are actively managing. For example, the requirements on banks to raise more capital and make provisions for non-performing loans. It is unlikely that we will have additional non-performing loans because of what is happening in Europe. Most of the banks in the region are well provisioned and they will keep on taking more of their profits as provisions going forward, I would say within the next 2-3 years the real estate problem will be solved and the banks will be on a stronger footing than they were before.
Where are banks currently most keen to invest in the UAE today?
AZZAM: The most important sector where banks are active in financing projects has been and will continue to be oil and gas. Anything related to oil and gas, including petrochemicals, construction, steel related, cement related, etc. These are the sectors that will continue to boom and generate opportunities for banks. Banks are very keen on any petrochemical related projects because it is a competitive advantage of the UAE and the region. The UAE’s competitive advantage is oil, petrochemicals. As we move from Abu Dhabi to Dubai, the emphasis would be on transport, infrastructure, tourism, communication, etc., and away from the usual construction of building and other real estate related projects, will continue to be attractive for banks to finance projects.
Do banks in the UAE follow particularly seek out opportunities in line with government visions?
AZZAM: Banks are mostly profit oriented; they are looking at opportunities where the private sector is active. It is not a centralized economy here in the UAE, it is not like in China where there is a central agency that decides everything and pushes banks to implement it. Here, banks react to market requirements. If the contractors who are working on fulfilling the government vision would require certain financing from banks and the projects make sense, then yes, there would be a common ground whereby the banks would finance them and provide the credit needed. But if you look at it from the perspective of the banks, who need to protect their depositors first and foremost, they would respond to the private sector more than the public sector. Whether the private sector is in sync with the government, I am not so sure. The government has a grand scheme. They have proven that they have a vision; they saw things and they fulfilled them, but without th One . Wholesale Youth Jerseys Wholesale Youth Jerseys Wholesale Youth Jerseys Wholesale Authentic NBA Jerseys Wholesale Authentic MLB Jerseys Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys China Cheap Wholesale New NHL Jerseys Wholesale Football Jerseys Wholesale NCAA College Jerseys